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The Programme was officially launched on 20 November. Officiating at the launch ceremony were Sze Chun-Fai, Jeff, Under Secretary for Education, HKSAR Government; and Dr Gabriel Leung, Executive Director, Charities and Community of The Hong Kong Jockey Club. Over 110 representatives from the Programme’s partners, school principals and teachers attended the event.

Dr Gabriel Leung, Executive Director, Charities and Community of The Hong Kong Jockey Club, in his address underscored the importance of financial literacy in today’s increasingly complex financial landscape, particularly for young people. He said the Club had collaborated with local and international industry experts to launch this programme as the first of its kind in Hong Kong in an effort to address a gap in the city’s education system. He noted the Club had created and funded many projects in support of inclusive education to equip young people from diverse backgrounds with the skills to facilitate their future success. The Club remains committed to nurturing the next generation to enable their long-term well-being and fulfilment.

Sze Chun Fai, Jeff, Under Secretary for Education, HKSAR Government, highlighted that the Programme aligns with the city’s educational objectives and enhances the Humanities curriculum. He thanked The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for organising “The Hong Kong Jockey Club Financial Education Programme”. The programme aims to nurture students’ financial literacy from an early age through experiential learning activities, enabling them to apply financial knowledge and skills in daily life, as well as cultivate proper values and attitudes. Positive response from schools on the programme were received. The Education Bureau and the Hong Kong Jockey Club continue to join hands with the school sector to promote financial education.

The highlight of the event was a thought-provoking panel discussion with Professor Stephen Cheung, advisor to The Hong Kong Jockey Club Financial Education Programme; Antony Leung, Chairman and Co-founder of the Solomon Learning Group; Professor Tim Kaiser, Professor of Economics and Economic Education at the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau; and Ms. Jessica Man, MH, Principal of Po Leung Kuk Lam Man Chan English Primary School. The panelists provided invaluable insights on the pressing need for financial education in today’s rapidly evolving economic and digital landscape.  

The event has been featured in print and online platforms, including: